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Connect and enrich user data to deliver
personalized and
omnichannel experiences

    Trusted by Leading Fashion companies

    Etam, customer since 2015​

    ETAM is a French clothing (lingerie) company founded in 1916 with an annual revenue of $1 billion according to the 2018 financial statements. Their Millennial brand, Undiz, is targeting young women of 14 to 34 years old.

    By using Artificial Intelligence, Etam leverages data and delivers real-time personalized user experience based on:
    – Visual search
    – Personality insights
    – Content interest

    NextUser helped Etam tap into behavioral data to create omnichannel journeys for each user resulting in

    +$30 ROI for $1 spent in NextUser
    +$0.17 additional for each session
    +64% interaction rate on all workflows

    Increase revenue and engagement with personalized experiences

    The document shows a huge increase of the turnover
    +$ 0
    ROI for $1 spent in NextUser
    The user interacts with the brand by email, likes or comments
    + 0 %
    Interaction rate on all workflows
    The user browses and clicks on the pages
    +$ 0
    Additional sales for each session
    Target the right user to optimize the ROI
    + 0 %
    Improvement on conversions

    Three quick actions to expand
    user acquisition, retention, and growth

    Extrapolate consumers and social data sources:
    -Unveil a complete consumer profile with 300+ variables
    -Discover your communities & influencers

    Unify data and user profiles in one single platform:
    -Pilot your audience
    -Personalize user journey

    Regroup your audience in clusters: 
    -Build strong personas
    -Activate the custom audience for paid/owned channels

    How NextUser works?
    Three easy steps


    Book a demo


    Launch in 10 days


    Skyrocket your sales

    Expand user acquisition, retention, and growth

    Trusted by

    Schedule a Demo!

      Expand user acquisition, retention, and growth




      User engagement


      Viewed pages
      Trusted by

      Schedule a Demo!

        Expand user acquisition, retention, and growth




        User engagement


        Viewed pages
        Trusted by

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