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Aggregate data,
orchestrate across all channels and deliver
1:1 experience
at scale

    Trusted by manufacturing and distributor players

    Schneider Electric, customer since 2019

    Schneider Electric SE is a multinational company that specializes in digital automation and energy management with 29B EUR revenue in 2021. NextUser works with 20 distributors + provides personalization for 8 brands.

    By using Artificial Intelligence, Schneider Electric leverages data and improve real-time personalized customer experience. Excellent benefits for manufacturers: – Visibility on performance data & customer behavior – Master brand image – Add value beyond pricing through digital tools NextUser helped Schneider Electric tap into behavioral data to create omnichannel journeys for each user resulting in

    +25% increase in sales $5 to $30 ROI for $1 spent +55h saved per month
    conversion rate

    Increase revenue by optimizing the conversion funnel

    The document shows a huge increase of the turnover
    + 0 %
    In sales
    The user interacts with the brand by email, likes or comments
    $ 0
    To $30 ROI for $1 spent
    The user browses and clicks on the pages
    + 0 h
    Saved per month
    Target the right user to optimize the ROI
    + 0 %
    Conversion rate

    Three quick actions to expand
    user acquisition, retention, and growth

    Understand better customers’ journeys with cross-channel and cross-distributor tracking

    Solution-centric approach from configurator to a personalized smart assistant

    Offer 1:1 personalized user journey or customized e-commerce experience within the partner’s webshop

    How NextUser works?
    Three easy steps


    Book a demo


    Launch in 10 days


    Skyrocket your sales

    Expand user acquisition, retention, and growth

    Trusted by

    Schedule a Demo!

      Expand user acquisition, retention, and growth




      User engagement


      Viewed pages
      Trusted by

      Schedule a Demo!

        Expand user acquisition, retention, and growth




        User engagement


        Viewed pages
        Trusted by

        Schedule a Demo!